Mon 16.9
Moroccan minced meat stew, yellow couscous, rice, fried corn
Creamy blue cheese-vegetable-potato casserole
Currant-mint mousse / fruit
Tue 17.9
Creamy blue cheese tomato chicken, whole grain rice, warm vegetables
Zucchini stuffed with vegetables, sun-dried tomato-sour cream, rice
Lingonberry-rhubarb bake & vanilla sauce / fruit
Wed 18.9
Fish in sour cream-tomato sauce, mashed potatoes with chives, warm vegetables
Horse bean protein fry, mashed potatoes with chives, lingonberries, warm vegetables
Berry Quark / fruit
Thu 19.9
Meat Wok with Korean bbq sauce, Basmati / Pea soup with pork
Beetroot lasagna
Crepes, jam & whipped cream / fruit
Fri 20.9
Jalapeno cheese burger, devil’s jam, aioli, potato wedges
Veggie goat cheese burger, devil’s jam, aioli, potato wedges
Turkish yogurt with honey, apple & nut / fruit
We reserve the right to make changes. Next- lunch 8.50e, Visitors 12.50e
Lunch 10.30-12.45